Kulits Privacy and Data Policy

Last Updated: [December 13, 2023]

Welcome to Kulits, the cozy cat mobile game! Your privacy is important to us, and we want to assure you that Kulits is designed to be an offline gaming experience that does not collect or store any personal information.

1. No Data Collection:
Kulits is an offline game, and we do not collect any user data. You can enjoy the game without worrying about your personal information being gathered or shared.
2. No Third-Party Services:
We do not use any third-party services in Kulits. Your gaming experience is entirely self-contained within the app, and we do not share any information with external parties.
3. Children's Privacy:
Kulits is suitable for users of all ages. No personal information is required to play the game, making it a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.
4. Changes to Privacy Policy:
While we don't anticipate any changes to our privacy practices, any updates will be reflected in this policy. We recommend checking this page periodically for any modifications.
5. Contact Us:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, feel free to contact us at [smm@arbuzalchemy.dev].
Thank you for choosing Kulits! We hope you have a wonderful time playing our cozy cat mobile game!
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